Deaf Ministry Services are every Sunday at 10:30 am
Zion is announcing its new Deaf Ministry every Sunday morning at 10:30. Read more about how this new ministry is helping Zion's members:My friend, Kurt Henke, encouraged me to join church. When I went to Zion Lutheran Church the first time, Pastor Kelly was so nice to me. He signed GOOD MORNING to me.
On May 20, 2018 I was baptized and when I turned around the whole congregation was DEAF-WAY OF CLAPPING. After the service everyone in the church shook my hand.
I like to go to church each week and Bible Class too. Pastor Kelly uses pictures to help me understand what the story is about.
~ Dale Lowis Jr. (Deaf)
I am so excited to be able to go to church and worship Jesus together with my husband and daughter and be able to understand in our sign language.
I was baptized on May 20, 2018. I was afraid about baptism before because I did not understand. But Pastor Kelly explained to me how it works and now I have less fear about things.
The people at Zion are very nice and friendly and it is so nice to see people signing to me.
~ Taunya Henke (Deaf)
I am so happy that my parents get to have God’s Word in their sign language at Zion Church.
~ Hailee Henke (CODA - Child of Deaf Adults)
I am finally so happy to understand what they are saying at church. I am excited to go to church each week to learn about Jesus. I am able to ask questions and understand and learn using my sign language. I love the Bible Story Book with the pictures and I have the Bible Gateway app on my phone with the NIrV - New International Readers Version. It is easy for me to understand.
I love the Pastor because he is very excited and supportive of Deaf services.
I want to encourage other Deafs to join us at Zion Lutheran Church Staunton every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and have our Deaf Ministry group grow.
~ Kurt Henke (Deaf)