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Church | School | Early Childhood |
Get Involved...
Activate A Prayer Chain
We now have the Zion Prayer Ministry. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Narthex for those interested in joining the prayer chain.
Do not be anxious about anything, but by prayer and
supplication, with thanksgiving present your requests
to God.
~ Philippians 4:6
Zion's prayer chain offers the power of prayer, asking God's loving grace in time of illness, crisis and joy. Please inform the church office for the sake of visits and prayers concerning illness, when you are hospitalized, or in need of pastoral care, even if it is a private concern. To activate a prayer chain, call the church office at 618-635-2880 or send an email to [email protected].
Please see Zion's Posts in Google Groups or the printed News & Notes in the back of the Church for those listed to remember in prayer this week.
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.
~ 1 Peter 4:10
Each of us has been given various gifts, talents, interests, and abilities that could be used at Zion Lutheran Church and School to enhance our ministry and increase our faith. If you would be interested in any of the following opportunities,please fill in and return this form to the Zion Lutheran Church office or any Stewardship Board member.
Help Support Our School
Get Scrip for Zion and help the school while you shop. Check Out: www.glscrip.com for a complete list of retailers.
Scrip will be ordered every Monday morning unless otherwise noted in the information sheet. Please have all orders into either the school or church office by 8:30 Monday mornings or online by 9:00 to ensure your order is fulfilled in full by Friday. Rachel will be in the school office most mornings until 8:30 and after school for immediate purchase. Krissy will have the box on the weekends. Contact Rachel (635-6104) or Krissy (635-8913) with any orders or questions and check out the Information Sheet or the weekly News and Notes to stay updated on Scrip News.
Updated 11/17/2018
Don't forget the school also collects:

from General Mills products

Proof of Purchases

(including Pepperidge Farm, V8, Bic, Pop Secret and Prego products)

product labels


caps and carton codes

inkjet and laser

cell phones, etc.