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June 2016

by Rev. Kelly Mitteis

But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law so that we might receive adoption as sons.Galatians 4.4-5

A few years back a motorist noticed a man walking along the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway. Even for the most experienced NYC driver it was unusual so he called 911. The responding officer promptly moved the man to safety. In appearance everything looked fine, his clothes, his baseball cap, even some papers identifying his name and age, as well $300 in his pocket. But when questioned the man had no idea who he was. Far as I know to this day authorities are still asking for help. Who is the man and who will claim him? (June 21, 2013 New York Times)

When people lose the ability to recall basic information stored in memory we call it amnesia. Experts say there are many different causes and types. In this article let's consider one type: Christian Amnesia. As Christians we sometimes forget who we are in Christ!

You and I have an amazing identity! We are all sons of God by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26. Our Lord redeemed us, So that we might receive adoption as sons of God. The Apostle John also writes, Now you are the children of God. This new identity means that heaven is ours already, even as we wait for our Redeemer to take us home. And unlike the man in the story our real and true ID is established and proved by nothing less than God's own Word. So how is it that sometimes even God's children are found in places they don't belong?

Part and parcel of life as redeemed sinner/saints we have bouts with amnesia. With each careless or mean spoken word, every lustful or greedy thought, every incident of stumbling (or rushing) into temptation and sin, we display Christian Amnesia. We have forgotten who we are, who God has called us to be. The story of lost people is more common than we hear. For the man in the story and others like him, sad fact is they may never be claimed. Nevertheless we can be sure that even though we forget our real and true identity in Christ, God will not forget. And for this reason He steadfastly and faithfully continues to call us to our place in His' family, the church.

Dear friends, who you are in Christ is amazing! Nevertheless the problem is we are prone to bouts of amnesia. This I say in view of the coming summer vacation. Vacation is good but will vacation keep you (and yours) from regularly gathering in the one place we can be sure we belong? Jesus is our Good Shepherd. As such He loves His flock . . . loves to feed His flock.

REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. For you have been bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body! 1 Corinthians 6:20. In Christ wear His robe with thankfulness, joy, and strength. And given that God's people are a worshipping community, this summer: See you in church!

Pastor Kelly Mitteis

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