Zion Videos

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The tag "ZLS" has 2 videos


Children's Christmas Service

December 21, 2016
Producer: John Newbold
Zion's Joyful Noise Choir (Grades 3rd-8th) performed 'To Us a Child Is Born', December 21st, 2016 at the Zion Lutheran Church. Music for the service and preservice were also provided in part by students of Zion. The director for the event was Barb Brackman, accompanied by David Cisler on the piano.

Children's Christmas Service

December 21, 2016
Producer: John Newbold
Zion's Praise Him Choir (Grades PreK-2nd) performed 'To Us a Child Is Born', December 21st, 2016 at the Zion Lutheran Church. The director for the event was Barb Brackman, accompanied by Rev. Mitteis on the piano.